Monday, April 18, 2011

Shakespeare's Herbs

Inspired by the China Bayles Book of Days, I'm thinking of planning a garden for The Blooming Bard.

"For you there's rosemary and rue; these keep
Seeming and savour all the winter long;
Grace and remembrance be to you both." —William Shakespeare, The Winter's Tale

Shakespeare's plays and poems bloom with flowers. What could be more interesting than a corner of your own garden devoted to the herbs and flowers mentioned in Shakespeare's plays? You might want to add a label to each plant, citing the play or poem in which the plant is mentioned. And if you are a great admirer of the Bard's plays, you might want to make a Shakespeare garden album, with pressed flowers and leaves, a note about the plant, and a quotation from the plays.

Here are a few of Shakespeare's herbs and flowers. You'll find a complete list in China Bayles' Book of Days, in the entry for April 23.

Carnation The Winter's Tale 4:4
Fennel Hamlet 4:5
Holly As You Like It 2:7
Honeysuckle A Midsummer Night's Dream 4:1
Lavender The Winter's Tale 4:3
Marigold The Winter's Tale 4:4
Marjoram The Winter's Tale 4:4
Mint The Winter's Tale 4:3
Nettle Othello 1:3
Pansy Hamlet 4:5
Parsley Taming of the Shrew 4:4
Rose King Henry VI, Part 1 2:4
Rosemary The Winter's Tale 4:4
Rue The Winter's Tale 4:4
Thyme A Midsummer Night's Dream 2:1
Violet King Henry V 4:1
Wormwood Hamlet 3:2

"When daisies pied and violets blue
and lady-smocks all silver-white
and cuckoo-buds of yellow hue
Do paint the meadows with delight." —Love's Labors Lost

Read more about the Bard's blossoms: Shakespeare's Garden, by James Bloom


Robin Larkspur said...

I love the China Bayles mysteries (and the Beatrix Potter tales too by the same author, Susan Wittig Albert) and the Book of days is a beautiful book. It would be lovely to have a Shakespeare garden. Thanks for the reminder, as we get ready to start summer gardening plans!

Amy Blackthorn said...

Robin, Have you gotten to read Mourning Gloria? Mine is on the way to my house, and I can't wait.

If you ever get the chance, Susan's witchy classes are as informative as they come.

Merry Meet! Please enjoy your stay and have a joyous time browsing around my realm.

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