Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Natural Skin Care

Homemade Astringents, Tighteners & Toners

Here is how you can make toners at home.

1)For quickly refreshing your skin, grate a cucumber. Then use a wash cloth and apply the cucumber juice to your face. Cucumber juice is a natural astringent. It can tone and tighten skin!

2) Egg white Toner
Clean face thoroughly using any natural cleanser. Apply raw egg whites to the skin and leave on for at least 15 minutes. Wash off with tepid water.

3) Elder flowers, lavender, orange flower water and rosewater are all classic toners for all skin types. Make a strong infusion of any of the above, refrigerate and use within 3 days.

4) Lemon is a strong astringent, dilute with water before using, being careful to keep away from eyes. Lemon Toner
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 cup distilled water
2/3 cup witch hazel
Combine all ingredients. Pour into a clean bottle or decorative cosmetics
container. Shake well before using. Apply with a clean cotton ball.

5) Pine Toner
2 cups fresh pine needles
1 cup distilled water
1/2 cup witch hazel
Place pine needles in small saucepan with distilled water. Bring water to
boil. Allow water to cool completely then strain and discard pine needles.
Add witch hazel and stir well. Pour into a clean bottle or decorative capped
container. Apply to skin with a cotton ball. Store in a cool dark place.

6) Protein Toner
Beat together 1 Tbsp milk, 1 tsp honey and 1 egg. Apply to face and neck.
Leave on as long as desired. Rinse off with warm water followed by a splash
of cold.

7) Queen of Hungary Water
This water can be used as an astringent, aftershave, deodorant, hair and
skin tonic and even as an inhaled headache remedy:
1 part fresh organic scented roses
1 part lavender
1 part tender rosemary tops
1 part sage
1 part orange peel
1 part lemon peel
2 parts mint

To 2 ounces apple cider vinegar, add 2 ounces of the above herbal formula. Put in an air-tight glass jar, let steep for about 2 weeks. Strain and add 1 1/2 cups pure distilled rosewater. Pour into a decorative, air tight decanter and use daily.

8) Rose Water & Glycerin Astringent

1/2 pint olive oil (highest quality you can afford)
1 ounce rose water
a few drops of glycerin
1 ounce vodka

Add rose water to vodka and roll bottle to blend. Add glycerin and blend again. Then add olive oil last.

9) Sage Astringent
4 Tbsp dried sage
4 Tbsp vodka
1/4 tsp borax
3 Tbsp witch hazel
10 drops glycerin or honey

Steep the sage in vodka for 2 weeks then strain. Dissolve borax in witch hazel, stir in the saged vodka and glycerin. Pour into bottle with a tight cap. Shake before each use.

10) Strawberry: Mash strawberries, use as an astringent and cleansing face

11) Violet: Simmer violet flowers in a little milk to make a softening and
mildly astringent face lotion.

12) Witch Hazel: Dilute 1/2 with water, Use an extract of witch hazel as an astringent, a skin freshener and to soothe skin irritations.

13) Lemony Lavender Toner
3 drops lemon oil
3 drops lavender oil
3 teaspoons of distilled water

Use a soft cotton ball to massage mixture into the skin after cleansing. Follow with a moisturizer if desired.

14) Honey and Oatmeal Toner

In a bowl, put the oatmeal and honey in together. Then you add hot water until its in a thick consistency. Then apply to your face. Wait for it to dry then scrub it off.

15) For tough black heads, apply tomato paste to stubborn spots. The acid in the tomatoes will help dissolve the stubborn oil and dirt.

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