Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pagan Survey Questions

Do you have a magical Name? Yes

How long have you been a Pagan? 18 years

Solitary or Group? Both.

What is your Path? Check the Blog Title. ;) Green Witch here.

Are you giving it your all? And some I didn't know I had.

Are you out of the Broom closet? People in SPACE know.


Do you believe in deity? Absolutely

Do you have a patron God and or Goddess and if so who are they?
Yes! The Goddess for my Traditional training was The Morrigan. I will keep my Oaths to her until the day I die and then some, even if I've left that group. My Current group has Hecate as the Matron, and as she is one of the first Goddesses I've met She has a special place in my heart.

How did you find them or did they find you? They found me. I carried an Owl statue as a kid instead of a security blanket. As a teen Diana and Hecate were my confidants.

How do you feel about other Deities from other Traditions and Religions? If you find fulfillment, great!
How do you perceive Nature? Green. I’m not sure what the original writer of these questions was looking for, so I’ll go with what I think it means. Nature is here, and can be worked with. Seems like these days any schmoe with a fifty cent crystal can call himself a Shaman. It isn’t about labels, it’s about connection.
In your practice do you work with animal or plant spirits? In my workings, Plants yes, animals no. Not because it is discouraged, I just don’t connect with them the way I do plants.

What is your favorite tree and or plant? Not fair, that’s like asking a parent to choose a favorite child.

Wheel of the year
What seasonal festival/celebrations do you most often celebrate? Beltane is my wedding anniversary, so I celebrate it with excitement. Samhain is the ‘usual’ answer here I bet, but being ‘allowed’ to take time to connect with my family members who has crossed over means a lot.

What seasonal festival/celebrations do you find difficult to celebrate? Midsummer is always bitter sweet. I love Summer, and any reminder that sometime soon the cold will return is a hard one.

Have you ever worked with or felt the veil? Every May and October.

Ever danced the Maypole? I volunteered in my Elementary for Maypole Dance every year. I still do it as often as I can.

What does the Maypole symbolize? You’re kidding right? MAY. POLE. ;p

What is your favorite form or forms of divination? Tarot, crystals and tea leaves.

Do you work with astrology? Professional Astrologer 6 years now. I don’t list it under “favorites” because I don’t think of it as Divination.

Do you work with omens, if so how? If something feels significant to my Intuition I’ll look into it, but I don’t jump at shadows if I can help it. 

How do you see Spells working? Concentration on your goals means reward. You’ve given yourself license to attain your goals.
Turned anyone into a frog? Cute, very cute.
Healing Spells? I’d like to think this is my forte.
House spells? Protecting my home and family? Sure.
Do you prefer spells or rituals? That would depend on the need.
“Can you make me a love spell please?” I get this one frequently and always have the same answer. I am not invested in the outcome of your spells, it works better if you do it yourself.

Do you believe in past lives? Sure.
Were you Cleopatra in a past life? Nope, and neither were you.
Do you believe in Soul Mates? Yes.

Any final words? Stop concentrating on the WHY and do what fulfills you. Let other people worry about themselves.


maddy said...

This blog template was really very attractive. Thanks!
Survey Questions

Magaly Guerrero said...

A Green Witch with The Morrigan and Hekate as Patron Goddesses; sweet!

So many put these Goddesses on the side of darkness and destruction. It is nice to read about someone else who can also enjoy their natural creative energies.

Pombagira said...

i love how this pagan meme is evolving and being added to, some of those questions are the ones i wrote when changed it and put it on my blog. *grins*..

and what i love more is everyone is having fun with it!!!


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