Friday, January 14, 2011

Pagan Prayer I saw

This was unattributed.

Our Mother
Who are in all the earth
Holy is your truth.
May your wisdom come,
Your circle be one, uniting earth and heaven.
Give us this day a nurturing spirit-
Heal through us as we ourselves are healed.
Lead us into fullness of life, and liberate all that is Good.
For the Wisdom, the Power, the Presence and the Goodness are Yours
Now and forever.


Robin Larkspur said...

I am making my blog rounds a bit late; this is a very nice take on the old standard. I like it! thanks for posting it. Robin.

Amy Blackthorn said...

Glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for visiting!

Pombagira said...

nice.. i might have to add that to my collecton of pagan prayers.. *smiles*

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