Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Basics of Wicca

I've had some private questions about the nature of Wicca and the beliefs of the people who follow it. These are some of the 'quick' ideals. Wicca's belief structure varies depending on Tradition (or sect). No faith is so neat that it can be put into a two minute blurb, and by no stretch can all of it fit all the varying beliefs of its adherents, but I thought this would give you an idea.

Many accuse Wiccans of being "Nature Worshipers". This comes from a misunderstanding of our Deity structure. We see the Divine in all living things. We celebrate the cycles of the seasons, because they remind us of the cycles of life.

Traditions having differing views on the Gods, but usually involve the Lord and Lady (Or God and Goddess). (There is one sect that only reveres the Goddess Diana, and no recognition of the God, but it's somewhat small.) They can be Polytheistic or syncretic monotheists. Syncretic Monotheism is the belief that all deities (Wiccan, Christian, Hindu etc) are all facets of Spirit. Instead of polytheism, which believes that every Deity is their own energy signature.

Holy days
Wiccans celebrate 8 major holidays throughout the year. In my way of practice they are 45.62 days apart. Why? We celebrate the Solstices and equinoxes (The first days of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter) and the cross quarter days, (the halfway point in each season).

Instead of 10 commandments Wiccans have The Wiccan Rede. (Rede means advice or counsel, so it's not a 'law' more like a suggested code of conduct.) The short version says, "An it Harm None, do what thou wilt." Going through life trying to cause the least harm to the people around you is a great way to live. The long version does leave room for self defense.

"Church or Temple"
Instead of going to a single building to have our rites as a whole, the Church or Temple is the place where ever we are. If we are moved to have a religious service we simply ask The Lord and Lady to bless the place we are as our church.

The common ritual structure can be used and changed to suit the needs of the person using it. We have Clergy, but do not believe that Clergy is the only avenue to God(dess) as in some Christian sects. Individuals can choose to practice alone, or in groups (yes, called covens.)

The general structure is,
1. Casting the circle. (drawing a boundary for the 'church' space.)
2. Inviting the Elements (Earth Air, Fire, Water) to bless us.
3. Inviting the Lord and Lady to Bless us and watch over us.
4. The Work. (Prayer, celebration, blessing, weddings, requests, etc. )
5. Cakes and Wine. (Our version of communion. symbolizes the union of male (Food) with Female (wine) and their creation of Humankind (This part of the ritual usually involves discussion, questions, answers and fellowship.)
6. Thanking the Lord and Lady for their blessings
7. Thanking the Elements for their blessings
8. Taking up the circle. ("It never was, and ever shall be.")

"New Members"
Wicca doesn't proselytize. We believe that all paths to the Divine and are correct for their members. We're happy to share information, but believe it is an insult to the Divine to assume we know what is best for all people. Very "Live and let live".


Robin Larkspur said...

Wonderful post, Amy, brief, to the point, easy to understand for those who have little knowledge of our path. Blessings to you. Robin.

Amy Blackthorn said...

Thanks Robin!

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